Toxic workplaces can harm your physical and mental health, surgeon general says money watch

UPDATED ON: OCTOBER 25, 2022 / 10:42 PM


Blog post 1: Toxic workplaces can harm your physical and mental health, surgeon general says moneywatch

Toxic workplace


Source: NEWS


 It's important for us to recognize the impact of toxic workplaces on our health. In this article The U.S. Surgeon General recently conducted a study, and the results were eye-opening. They discovered that harmful work environments, such as those with difficult bosses and a cutthroat culture, can seriously affect our mental and physical well-being. 

The report showed several factors that contribute to poor health outcomes, including low wages, discrimination, harassment, overwork, and long commutes. It's not surprising that work-related stress can lead to mental health conditions like depression and anxiety, as well as chronic physical health issues such as heart disease and cancer. The COVID-19 pandemic has also brought the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance into sharper focus. Many of us experienced a shift to remote learning, allowing us to better manage our responsibilities at home. The pandemic has made it clear that our work and our health are closely linked. The report emphasized that when work and personal demands clash, negative health consequences follow. These conflicts can increase psychological stress, leading to unhealthy habits like smoking, poor eating habits, excessive alcohol or substance use, and relying too much on medications. They can also disrupt our relationships, both at work and at home. To create a healthier work environment, the Surgeon General outlined five key components of a healthy workplace: protection from harm, connection and community, work-life harmony, feeling valued, and opportunities for growth. Implementing these principles can promote fairness, inclusion, and advancement opportunities for all, bringing numerous benefits to both employees and organizations. Supporting employee well-being is not only the right thing to do morally, but it also makes good business sense. As Gabriella Kellerman, chief product officer at better up, a corporate coaching platform, explained, companies should prioritize their employees' mental well-being because it positively impacts their bottom line.

To wrap it up, the Surgeon General's report provides valuable recommendations for employers to create healthier work environments we should be aware of the impact of toxic workplaces on our health and advocate for positive change. Remember, a healthy workforce is the foundation for thriving organizations and communities. Let's prioritize our well-being and work towards a healthier future together!


Imagine being a working student like me, working hard to excel in both studies and at work. However, this environment I find myself in takes a toll on my well-being at times. Juggling demanding deadlines to school works and long hours leaves me mentally and physically drained. As a result, I struggle to focus on studies and maintain meaningful relationships, causing stress to penetrate .This aligns with the article's findings on the negative effects of work-related stress and role conflicts. It emphasizes the need for a healthy work-life balance to foster stronger relationships and overall well-being.


Toxic workplaces can harm your physical and mental health, surgeon general says. (2022, October 25). Https://—Google Search. (n.d.). Retrieved May 25, 2023, from


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