Blog Post #4: Toxic Workplace

May 31, 2023

Blog Post #4: Over half of UK employees have worked in a toxic workplace

Author: Emma Greedy

Published: 18 August 2021



Did you know that a lot of people in the UK have experienced toxic workplaces? This article revealed that a recent study found that a whopping 70% of employees have dealt with a toxic work environment at some point in their careers. It's a big problem that we need to talk about.

The study also discovered that more than half of the people surveyed (56%) would quit their jobs if they felt the workplace culture wasn't good. That's a huge number! And interestingly, female employees were 8% more likely to leave a toxic workplace than men. This shows that toxic cultures affect women even more.

So, what exactly makes a workplace toxic? The study found some common signs. Bullying was a major issue, with 46% of respondents experiencing it. Passive-aggressive communications, cliquey behavior, and favoritism toward certain colleagues by higher-ups were also identified as toxic behaviors.

Steve Herbert, an expert on employee benefits and wellbeing, warns us about the negative effects of toxic workplaces. He says that they can cause a lot of stress, which can lead to mental health problems. This is something businesses don't want, especially during the UK's economic recovery. Toxic workplaces are a significant problem, leading to employee turnover, mental health issues, and decreased productivity. Replacing employees who leave because of a toxic culture is not easy either. It's hard to find suitable replacements, and it takes time for new hires to become productive. This can be a real challenge and cost a lot for the HR department.

Interestingly, not all industries are equally toxic. The study also found that science and pharmaceuticals, property and construction, and media and internet industries had lower levels of toxicity compared to others. And when it comes to bullying, the law enforcement and security industry was the least tolerant, while the media and internet industry surprisingly had the least concerns about bullying.

The article showed the most toxic cities to work in the UK: Newcastle, Leeds, and Sheffield. Conversely, Southampton was recognized for having a healthy work culture. It's vital for leaders and HR departments to prioritize positive and supportive environments.


During my visit to a Company, where I had a conversation with Vira, a staff member, I was deeply moved by her experiences and the negative impact of toxic behaviors she went through. It sparked my commitment to helping individuals like Vira in the future. My plan includes raising awareness, providing support, and actively promoting positive change in workplace cultures. By sharing stories like Vira's and advocating for healthier environments, I aim to make a meaningful impact and empower employees to thrive.


HR Magazine—Over half of UK employees have worked in a toxic workplace. (2021, August 18). HR Magazine.


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