Blog Post #3: Toxic workplace


May 31, 2023

Blog Post #3: Over 75% of Canadian nurses burnt out, RNAO survey finds

Author: By Hannah Jackson  Global News

Published: May 12, 2022 1:20 pm



The Registered Nurse's Association of Ontario (RNAO) recently conducted a survey that reveals a troubling situation of burnout among nurses in Canada. This survey, carried out during the peak of Ontario's third wave of COVID-19, involved 5,200 participants and sheds light on the challenges faced by over 75% of Canadian nurses. Frontline and hospital workers are particularly affected by this burnout. The findings from the survey show that a significant number of nurses are experiencing burnout, and many are contemplating leaving their current positions or even abandoning the nursing profession entirely. It is concerning to note that only 26.2% of the nurses surveyed took time off to address their mental health and burnout-related issues, highlighting a lack of support. The survey also brings attention to the overwhelming workloads nurses had to endure during the pandemic. Around 73% of the respondents reported a moderate to significant increase in their workload. Staffing levels and heavy workloads were pressing concerns for the majority of participants. These statistics emphasize the urgent need for support for these frontline healthcare professionals.

Dr. Doris Grinspun, the CEO of RNAO, stresses the importance of immediate action and calls upon the government, health employers, educators, and nursing associations to address this crisis. RNAO has put forth several recommendations to tackle the issue, including repealing Bill 124, increasing support services, attracting internationally educated nurses, expanding nursing programs, and establishing mentorship programs for retired nurses. Resolving this crisis requires a collective effort from all stakeholders. The survey also identifies key factors that contribute to nurse retention, such as improved workplace support, reduced workloads, flexible schedules, enhanced benefits, and career development opportunities. Addressing these concerns is essential to retain the nursing workforce and create an environment that encourages new graduates to join the profession.

Despite the challenges, there is a glimmer of hope as applications to baccalaureate nursing programs have surged by 35% across Ontario. This surge demonstrates the unwavering commitment of aspiring nurses. In response, RNAO is launching several programs to provide better support, professional growth opportunities, and increased control over nurses' lives. The burnout crisis among Canadian nurses is a pressing issue that demands immediate attention and action. It is crucial for all of us to come together, prioritize the well-being of our healthcare heroes, and ensure the provision of high-quality care for Ontarians.


In a personal encounter, I visited a hospital for a casual check up and witness the profound impact of the burnout crisis among Canadian nurses. Engaging in conversations with nurses, I learnt about their overwhelming workloads and the toll it takes on their well-being. This experience fuels my determination to advocate for their support and well-being in my future career.


Over 75% of Canadian nurses burnt out, RNAO survey finds | (n.d.). Retrieved May 29, 2023, from 


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